June: Asking for a Wish!

Yle, ask for a wish!
If I tell you the truth, ever since I met you I haven’t been very ambitious in that sense…
I also have to say that, once asked, big issues came to my mind like climate change, the cure of serious diseases, or fashion industry taking awareness of each step of its processes.
Once asked, I’ve also imagined 365 sunsets in good company and a calm heart, 12 months of sleeping the 8 recommended hours a night, and 24 hours a day of good laughs.
Once asked, I’ve said to myself, a travel a month would not be bad, or to own an apartment in my favorite neighborhood in Madrid with a big dressing room and big windows…
or maybe speak perfect French,
or a Degas painting with his ballerinas in action,
or to spend a month in the Amazonas or to go back to Mexico that I like so much,
or, why not, once asked I would wish for a two-seat deep green convertible  that would only fit you and me listening to great songs.
Once asked, I would like to receive everything above and a lot more.
But since I met you, when blowing up a candle or pulling up the tab of a soda can…, I assure you, that when asked I couldn’t ask any of them.
Thank you life. Thank you destiny. Thank you God.
(Written on a Monday on May, every day with the heart stronger, more mature and full with love to give and receive).

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